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The objective of this work is to valuate a European standard call option with different types of volatilities and a European exchange option based on the price of underlying assets through numerical experiments using the Euler–Maruyama stochastic numerical method with strong approximation. Different trajectories of Brownian motion are simulated with different time steps, different risk-free interest rates, different levels of volatility, different strikes or exercise price and different expiration times, assuming constant initial values for the different subjacent assets. The results obtained in the valuation of the options considered show that the proposed method presents very low mean squared errors compared to the valuation obtained from the reference methods: The Black–Scholes formula for an asset, Margrabe for two assets and the Euler–Maruyama scheme with weak approximation are analyzed for all the scenarios proposed. The strong Euler–Maruyama method becomes an attractive method for future research in terms of options valuation where there is no explicit formula. The results show that the proposed method can also be considered to value options, over one or more assets, since it produces a low mean square error in the analyzed scenarios.
La caña de azúcar es uno de los cultivos productivos más importantes del mundo, con presencia en más de un centenar de países tropicales y subtropicales. Para el año 2018, los países de las Américas fueron responsables de más del 53% del total de caña de azúcar producida en el mundo. A pesar de que Colombia no se encuentra en los primeros países productores y exportadores, es importante destacar su elevada productividad por hectárea. En vista de esta singularidad y de la importancia regional que este cultivo tiene en el suroccidente colombiano, este trabajo tiene por objetivo la estimación de una función de producción tipo Cobb-Douglas para una plantación, dividida en sub-plantaciones denominadas suertes, localizada en la vereda Tierradura, Municipio Miranda, Departamento del Cauca, Colombia.
Festivals constitute events that play an important role in the social and economic development of a community, representing ways in which its intangible cultural heritage is expressed (UNESCO Citation2015). A music festival is defined as ‘a musical event with a large attendance and a certain duration that consists of performances of several bands and artists in a limited period of time and limited space’ (Brandão and De Oliveira Citation2019, 91).
The empirical analysis of individual participation in local and popular feasts and festivals is a field little explored by cultural economists. This article proposes a methodological scheme to analyse the profile of the participants in local and popular feasts and carnivals, allowing the establishment of a taxonomy that captures the heterogeneity of the participants replicable to other festivities and carnivals around the world. Similarly, participation equations that allow the analysis of the influence of context variables on individual decisions to participate in these types of events are estimated.
Aquí podrás consultar la gestión del Concejo de Cali entre junio y noviembre de 2022.